Researcher of the UAS BFI Vienna
Researcher of the UAS BFI Vienna
Prof.in (FH) Mag.a Tamara Blum
Russian at universities, e-learning, modern learning strategies
Rektor (FH) Prof. (FH) Mag. Dr. Andreas Breinbauer
Logistics, supply chain management, transport, infrastructure, investment conditions and location research, Chinese New Silk Road Initiative (Belt and Road Initiative)
Sustainable development, socio-ecological transformation
Prof. (FH) Mag. Dr. Christian Cech
Risk management, financial market regulation
Mag.a Lola Dorado
Spanish for the working environment
Prof.in (FH) Mag.a Sandra Eitler
E-Commerce & City Logistics and Sustainability & Human Resources in Logistics
Mag. Bernhard Ennser
Business models, especially in road freight transport and logistics companies
Prof (FH) Mag. Dr. Kai Erenli LL.M (it-law)
Legal issues of IT law
Mag.a Itziar Grau
Implementation of the innovative blended learning format in Spanish lessons
Prof.in (FH) Mag.a Sivia Helmreich
Risk management in banks, reporting requirements for banks
Prof.in (FH) Mag.a Dr.in Manuela Hirsch
International accounting
Prof. (FH) Mag. Dr. Johannes Jäger
Critical international political economy, global financial system, financial market regulation
Mag. Dr. Nikolaus Kowall
Free trade, location competition and globalisation
Mag. Dr. Christoper Kronenberg
Regional development and the competitiveness of regions and clusters
Dipl.-Pol. Dr. Hannes Meißner
Informal aspects of rule, political risk, post-Soviet transformation processes, the "resource curse" and governance initiatives
MMag. Dr.in Stephanie Messner
Financial and performance controlling and their interrelationships with the organisation of corporate strategy
Prof. (FH) MMag. Andreas Nachbagauer
Micro-politics in the organisation, decision-making, systems theory and the combination of organisational theory with strategies in multinational companies
Prof. (FH) Mag. Dr. Gerhard Ortner, zPM
Management of project-orientated companies (POU), project management offices (PMO), project management standards of the ISO 21500 family
Mag. Martin Pachel
Socioeconomics, Critical Political Economy, Sociology of Social Inequality, Heterodox Economics and Gender Studies
Prof. (FH) Priv.-Doz. Mag. Dr. Harun Pacic
Labour and social law, civil law, corporate law, European law, legal theory, philosophy of law and comparative law
Learning styles and diversity, methods of skills development, organisational research in higher education, linking learning analytics with evaluation research
Mag. Patrick Peyrat, MAS
Conception and evaluation of teaching/learning processes including e-learning, especially with regard to interculturality
Vizerektorin (FH) Prof.in (FH) Mag.a (FH) Ina Pircher
Intervention science, group dynamics and organisational observation, university didactics
Prof.in (FH) Mag.a Iris Schirl-Böck
Dealing with uncertainty and the unexpected in projects and project-oriented organisations on the basis of findings from human factors research
Prof. (FH) Dr. Reinhold Schodl
Logistics trends and innovations, sustainability and human resources in logistics, e-commerce and city logistics
DI Dr. Roland J. Schuster
Intervention research
Prof.in (FH) Mag.a Dr.in Elisabeth Springler
Macroeconomics, monetary theory and policy, developments in financial market regulation, national and international housing industry
DI Fritz Stallinger
Project, process and quality management in project-oriented companies
Mag. Christian Steinreiber, MA PMP
Project management in the non-profit sector, developments and trends in project management
Last mile logistics, mobile working, agility
Prof. (FH) Dr. habil. Michael Thöndl
Political theory and history of ideas, Italy, totalitarianism, fascism, "conservative revolution", history of universities and education, history of business administration and the European Union
Prof.in (FH) Mag.a (FH) Barbara Waldhauser, BSc (Hons) MA
CSR, sustainable HQ locations, diversity management, human computer interaction and technology readiness
Dr. Mag. (FH) Edgar Weiss
Team and organizational dynamics and decision management
Mag. Johannes Wetzinger
The political systems of Georgia and Moldova (including foreign policy) and European higher education policy
DI Mag. Martin Wirth
Valuation of different investment risks using digital tools such as MATLAB or R
Prof.in (FH) Mag.a Dipl.-Pol.in Dr.in Stefanie Wöhl
European integration process, the transformation of statehood and democracy in the EU, European labor market and employment policy, gender mainstreaming, global governance and the global political economy in a comparative perspective
Corporate law, procedural law, European law
Mag. Dr. Bernhard Zeilinger
Transformation of statehood and democracy, economic governance within the framework of the European Economic and Monetary Union, European labor market and social policy, EU internal market and EU foreign trade policy