DI Dr. Roland J. Schuster

Deputy head of degree programme and lecturer

Roland Schuster specialises in intervention research - the economic implementation of research results in practice-relevant decisions and actions as an integral part of intervention research and its USP. By means of theory-led monitoring of social processes, optimisation potentials are raised in the field of research and implemented through the active involvement of the researched system - while the research is still ongoing.

Intervention research is tailored to current organisational dynamic practical issues and thus offers maximum connection possibilities for companies with a wide range of objectives. Organisational challenges such as the cross-cutting topic of digitalisation and current issues in the context of New Work - New Business are possible applications for intervention research.

Contact Roland J. Schuster: roland.schuster@fh-vie.ac.at


Radel, J., Schuster, R.J. (2021): Hierarchie und Demokratie in Organisationen – Die 49-Punkte-Intervention. Gr Interakt Org 52, 515–524. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11612 . . .

Schuster, R. J., Radel, J. (2019): NEGOTIATING BOUNDARIES. A brief reflection on a power- and discipline focused intervention in a hierarchical public sector organization. In Tagungsband zum Symposium: Grenzen in Zeiten technologischer und sozialer Disruption; HTW-Berlin 2019, S 2-7, im Rahmen der Berlin Science Week, https://berlinscienceweek.com/...

Schuster, R. J. (2018): Lehren, Lernen und Emotion. Betrachtung und praktische Anwendung des Faktors Emotion im Kontext von Lehren und Lernen. In: Gölzner, H. / Meyer, P. Emotionale Intelligenz in Organisationen. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Verlag.

Schuster, R. J., Radel, J. (2018): A Reflection on the (Harvard) Case Method from a Group Dynamics Perspective. In: Gölzner, H. / Meyer, P.Emotionale Intelligenz in Organisationen. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Verlag.

Schuster, R. J., Lobnig, H. (2017): Bridging Experience and Theory: Extending the Traditional Classroom for Tangible Leadership Learning. Elektronisch abrufbar unter: http://ffhoarep.fh-ooe.at/hand..., accessed 7 Aug. 2019.

Schuster, R. J. (2016): Essentials of the course "Organisational and Group Dynamics". Writings on intervention science. In: Working Paper Series by the University of Applied Sciences bfi Vienna. Number 88 / 2016. Elektronisch abrufbar unter: https://www.fh-vie.ac.at/de/se..., accessed 7 Aug. 2019.

Schuster, R. J., Lobnig, H. (2016): Lehren und Lernen aus Erfahrung. Falldarstellung aus dem Bachelorstudiengang Technisches Vertriebsmanagement der FH des BFI Wien. Elektronisch abrufbar unter: http://ffhoarep.fh-ooe.at/hand..., accessed 7 Aug. 2019. Link zu der Präsentation (PREZI) https://prezi.com/znygc7skagpx..., accessed 7 Aug. 2019.

Schuster, R. J. (2016): Case Study: work process optimisation of a working group (intervention science in action). [Fallstudie: Optimierung des Arbeitsprozesses einer Arbeitsgruppe (Interventionswissenschaft in Aktion).] In: Gruppe. Interaktion. Organisation. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Organisationspsychologie (GIO), 47(2), 181-191. DOI 10.1007/s11612-016-0323-9 . Wiesbaden: Springer. http://link.springer.com/artic..., accessed 7 Aug. 2019.

Schuster, R. J. (2016): Einführung in die Didaktik der Selbstorganisation. [Introduction to didactics of self-organisation, translated by the author] Didaktisches Konzept zur Erweiterung der Selbstorganisationskompetenz von Studierenden. In: systhemia – Systemische Pädagogik. Band 13. Reihenherausgeber: Arnold, R. Hohengehren: Schneider Verlag.

Schuster, R. J. (2015): On teaching leadership (intervention science in action). Theoretical background and design of a lecture on leadership. In: Gruppendynamik und Organisationsberatung. Digital Object Identifier (DOI) 10.1007/s11612-015-0273-7 . Wiesbaden: Springer. http://link.springer.com/artic..., accessed 7 Aug. 2019.

Schuster, R. J. (2013): Gedanken zu den Begriffen Wissenschaft, Qualität und Interventionswissenschaft. [Thoughts to the concepts science, quality and intervention science. translated by the author] In Heintel, P./ Krainer, L./ Paul-Horn, I. (Hg.). Klagenfurter Beiträge zur Interventionsforschung. [Contributions to Intervention Research from Klagenfurt, translated by the author] Number 12, December 2013.

Schuster, R. J. (2013): Zum Design des 3. PM Symposiums der FH des bfi Wien. Interventionswissenschaftliche Aspekte in Bezug auf Gestaltung, Ablauf und Interpretation einer Großveranstaltung. [To the Design of the 3rd PM Symposium of the UAS bfi Vienna. Aspects of Intervention Science regarding the Design, Process and Interpretation of a Major Event. translated by the author] In: UAS bfi Vienna [Ed.]. Series for Economic Research and Praxis. Number 19, Nov. 2013, Vienna, Downloadable at: https://www.fh-vie.ac.at/de/se..., accessed 7 Aug. 2019.

Schuster, R. J. (2012): Aus der Praxis für die Praxis. Didaktik Best Practice aus dem Studiengang TVM. Praxisbeispiele zum LV-Typ Projekt(arbeit). [Practical Experiences for Practical Use. Didactic best Practice of the Study Program TVM. Examples of the Course-type Project-Work, translated by the author] In: Working Paper Series by the University of Applied Sciences bfi Vienna. Number 69/2012. Downloadable at: https://www.fh-vie.ac.at/de/se..., accessed 7 Aug. 2019.

Schuster, R. J. (2012): Schriften zur Interventionswissenschaft. Zur Organisationsform Hierarchie. [Writings on intervention science. The organizational form hierarchy. translated by the author] Study by the University of Applied Sciences of bfi Vienna. Vienna: UAS bfi Vienna. Downloadable at: https://www.fh-vie.ac.at/de/se..., accessed 7 Aug. 2019.

Schuster, R. J. (2011): Zur Methode der psychoanalytischen Organisationsbeobachtung. [To the Method of Psychoanalytical Observation of Organizations. translated by the author] In: Working Paper Series by the University of Applied Sciences bfi Vienna. Number 63 / 2011. Downloadable at: https://www.fh-vie.ac.at/de/se..., accessed 7 Aug. 2019.

Schuster, R. (2011): Verwirklichung von „lernender Organisation“ durch Interventionsforschung. In: FH des bfi Wien GmbH (Hrsg.). [Realization of a ‘learning organization’ by intervention research, translated by the author] In: UAS bfi Vienna [Ed.]. Series for Economic Research and Praxis. Number 14, June 2011, Vienna, Downloadable at: https://www.fh-vie.ac.at/de/se..., accessed 7 Aug. 2019.

Schuster, R. J. (2010): Gruppenreflexion als Kommunikationsinstrument. [Group Reflection as Instrument for Communication, translated by the author] In: UAS bfi Vienna [Ed.]. Series for Economic Research and Praxis. Number 13, Nov. 2010, Vienna, Downloadable at: https://www.fh-vie.ac.at/de/se..., accessed 7 Aug. 2019.

Schuster, R. J./ Holik, A./ Weiss, E. (2011): Aus der Praxis für die Praxis. Didaktik Best Practice aus dem Studiengang TVM. Teamteaching. [Practical Experiences for Practical Use. Didactic best Practice of the Study Program TVM. Teamteaching, translated by the author] In: Working Paper Series by the University of Applied Sciences bfi Vienna. Number 66 / 2011. Downloadable at: https://www.fh-vie.ac.at/de/se..., accessed 7 Aug. 2019.

Kreindl, E./ Pircher, I./ Schuster, R. J. (2011): Ein kritischer Blick auf die (Un)Tiefen des Begriffs Kultur im Projektmanagement. [A Critical View on the Term Culture in Project Management, translated by the author] Study by the University of Applied Sciences of bfi Vienna. Downloadable at: https://www.fh-vie.ac.at/de/se..., accessed 7 Aug. 2019.

Pircher, I., Schuster, R. J. (2013): Didaktische Betrachtungen zur Lehrveranstaltung „Change Management“. [Didactic View on the Course ‘Change Management’, translated by the author] In: UAS bfi Vienna [Ed.]. Series for Economic Research and Praxis. Number 19, Nov. 2013, Vienna, Downloadable at: https://www.fh-vie.ac.at/de/se..., accessed 7 Aug. 2019.

Pircher, I., Schuster, R. J. (2013): Ergebnisse der Gruppenreflexion zur Frage: Projektarbeit statt Karriere? [Findings of the Group Reflection According to the Question: Project Work instead of a Career?] In: UAS bfi Vienna [Ed.]. Series for Economic Research and Praxis. Number 19, Nov. 2013, Vienna, Downloadable at: https://www.fh-vie.ac.at/de/se..., accessed 7 Aug. 2019.