Researchers at the UAS BFI Vienna
Prof. (FH) MMag. Andreas Nachbagauer
Study programme director
Andreas Nachbagauer is deputy head of the Bachelor's degree programme "Project Management and Information Technology" and head of the Master's degree programme "Project Management and Organisation" and coordinator for Business Administration & Management and Research Methods in the Project Management Group. He holds a Master's degree in Business Administration from WU Vienna and a Master's degree in Sociology from the University of Vienna.
His research and teaching portfolio is diverse: starting with human resource management, his interests now include organisations as well as work and society in transformation. Andreas Nachbagauer also teaches management methods HRM and empirical methods of social research.
His research-related interests are micro-politics in the organisation, decision-making, systems theory and the combination of organisational theory with strategies in multinational companies. Based on the sociology of labour, Andreas Nachbagauer has recently published on topics related to the new world of work, the effects of atypical and flexible employment opportunities and the demarcation of projects within projects.
Contact: andreas.nachbagauer@fh-vie.ac.at
Latest research projects
- The contribution of human factors research to the management of uncertainty in project-oriented organisations
- Sustainable socio-economic action and development perspectives with regard to the Vienna headquarters location
- Project Management goes Global
- Human resource management in project-oriented organisations
Publications (selection)
Konstantinou, E., Nachbagauer, A., Wehnes, H. (2023): Editorial: Digital learning and education in a project society, Project Leadership and Society 4 (2023), 100083. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.plas.2023.100083
Nachbagauer, A., Paier, D. (2022): Praktiken der Koordination von Lehre und Lehrenden: Von Grauzonen akademischer Lehrorganisation und ihrer Bewältigung, in: Paier, D. (Hrsg.): Hochschule, Digitalisierung, Innovation: Forschungsergebnisse und Good Practices zur Weiterentwicklung der Hochschullehre, Wiesbaden: Springer VS, S. 141–200. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-658-36885-2_7
Nachbagauer, A. (2022): Resilient Project Management, The Journal of Modern Project Management, 10/1 (2022), S. 2–17. https://doi.org/10.19255/JMPM02901
Kosztyán, Z. T., Katona, A. I., Kuppens, K., Kisgyörgy-Pál, M., Nachbagauer, A. Csizmadia, T. (2022): Exploring the Structures and Design Effects of EU-Funded R&D&I Project Portfolios, Technological Forecasting & Social Change 1/180: 121687, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.techfore.2022.121687
Nachbagauer, A. (2022): On timing, synchronous and diachronic: Insights from disaster management and fast-response organizations for managing projects, Project Management Journal 3/52, S. 146–160, https://doi.org/10.1177/87569728221079414
Nachbagauer, A. (2021): Managing complexity in projects: Extending the Cynefin framework, Project Leadership and Society, Volume 2, 100017; https://doi.org/10.1016/j.plas.2021.100017
Algeo, C.; Konstantinou, E.; Nachbagauer, A.; Wehnes, H. (2021): Digital learning and education in a project society, Project Leadership and Society 2 (2021) 100007, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.plas.2021.100007
Kilic, O.; Stoica, M.; Nachbagauer, A.; Miller (2021): Modeling Austrian Consumer Responses to a Vignette Television Commercial Drama for a Vacation Resort Destination, Atlantic Marketing Journal: 10/1, Article 7. https://digitalcommons.kennesaw.edu/amj/vol10/iss1/7
Nachbagauer, A., Schirl-Böck, I., Weiss, E. (2020): Unerwartete Herausforderungen in Projekten erfolgreich managen. Erfahrungen aus der Human-Factors-, Hochsicherheits- und Resilienzforschung. Springer Gabler, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-60944-6 .
Nachbagauer, A. (2019) On the influence of project and organizational culture on managing turbulences in projects. In: Blaskovics, B.; Deák, I.; Varga, Attila K. (eds.): Chapters from the Academic Aspect of Project Management – Research and Teaching Methodologies, Volume III, Budapest: PMUni, S. 104–134
Breinbauer, A., Brennan, L, Jäger, J., Nachbagauer, A., Nölke, A. (Eds., 2019): Emerging Market Multinationals and Europe: Challenges and Strategies. Cham, Springer International, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-31291-6
Nachbagauer, A. (2019): Structures and Decisions in Emerging Market Multinational Corporations. In: Breinbauer, A., Brennan, L, Jäger, J., Nachbagauer, A., Nölke, A. (Eds.): Emerging Market Multinationals and Europe: Challenges and Strategies. Cham, Springer International, S. 63–81, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-31291-6 _5.
Nachbagauer, A., Waldhauser, B. (2019): Defining Sustainability Criteria for Emerging Market Multinationals. In: Breinbauer, A., Brennan, L, Jäger, J., Nachbagauer, A., Nölke, A. (Eds.): Emerging Market Multinationals and Europe: Challenges and Strategies. Cham, Springer International, S. 125–142, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-31291-6 _8
Breinbauer, A., Jäger, J., Nachbagauer, A. (2019): “Smart Public Location Policy”: A Policy Statement Regarding Emerging Market Multi-nationals in Europe. In: Breinbauer, A., Brennan, L, Jäger, J., Nachbagauer, A., Nölke, A. (Eds.): Emerging Market Multinationals and Europe: Challenges and Strategies. Cham, Springer International, S. 277–279, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-31291-6 _16.
Breinbauer, A., Jäger, J., Nachbagauer, A. (2019): Introduction and Overview. In: Breinbauer, A., Brennan, L, Jäger, J., Nachbagauer, A., Nölke, A. (Eds.): Emerging Market Multinationals and Europe: Challenges and Strategies. Cham, Springer International, S. 1–18, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-31291-6 _1
Nachbagauer, A., Schirl-Boeck, I. (2020): When risk management is not enough: Coping with the unexpected. In: M. Phillips (Ed.): Gower Handbook of Project Performance for Agile, Waterfall and Beyond. Aldershott, UK: Gower, S. 47–62, https://doi.org/10.4324/9781315268040 .
Nachbagauer, A., Schirl-Boeck, I. (2019): Managing the unexpected in megaprojects: Riding the waves of resilience. In: International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, 3/12: 694–715, 10.1108/ijmpb-08-2018-0169 " class="redactor-autoparser-object">https://doi.org/#####replacepa...
Nachbagauer, A., Schirl-Boeck, I. (2018): Managing the unexpected in complex unique projects: Are humans the key to success or the main source of error? In: Blaskovics, B.; Deák, I.; Varga, Attila K. (eds.): Chapters from the Academic Aspect of Project Management – Research and Teaching Methodologies, Volume II, Budapest: PMUni, S. 151–176.
Nachbagauer, A. (2018): When risk management is not enough: Project managers experiences when confronted with the unexpected. In: C. Brătianu, F. Pînzaru, A. Viţelar (Eds.): Strategica. Challenging the Status Quo in Management and Economics. Proceedings. Bucharest: Tritionic, S. 1131–1142.
Nachbagauer, A., Schirl-Boeck, I. (2018): Organizational Maturity Beyond Risk Management: Successfully Managing the Unexpected. In: Silvius, G., Karayaz, G. (Eds.): Developing Organizational Maturity for Effective Project Management, Hershey, PA: IGI Global: S. 78–103, https://doi.org/10.4018/978-1-5225-3197-5.ch005
Nachbagauer, A., Schirl-Boeck, I. (2017): Learning from human factors research and high-reliability organizations: a new way of managing the unexpected in projects. In: Blaskovics, B.; Deák, I. (ed.): Chapters from the Academic Aspect of Project Management – Research and Teaching Methodologies, Budapest: PMUni, S. 137–161.
Schirl-Boeck, I.; Nachbagauer, A. (2017): A New Way of Managing the Unexpected in Projects? In: The Society of Project Management (Hrsg.): Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Project Management, Tokyo: The Society of Project Management, S. 754–760.
Nachbagauer, A. (2017): Beyond Risk Management: Managing the Unexpected. In: F. Pînzaru, A. Zbuchea, C. Brătianu, E.-M. Vătămănescu, A. Mitan (Eds.): Strategica. Shift! Major challenges of today’s economy. Proceedings. Bucharest: Tritonic, S. 133–146.
Brezovich, U.; Majer, C.; Nachbagauer, A. (2017): Gab es Projektmanagement nicht schon immer? Eine historische Kurzanalyse. In M. Huemann; C. Majer; B. Schaden; (Hrsg): Projektmanagement als Passion, Pilum Literatur-Verlag, S. 95–114.
Nachbagauer, A. (2017): Sustainable location policy – a view from inside of the corporation. In: Wirtschaft und Management 24 (Mai 2017), 63–88.
Nachbagauer, A. (2016): Jenseits der Normalarbeit. Prolegomenon zur atypischen Arbeit aus soziologischer Sicht, in: Pacic, H. (Hrsg.): Atypische Beschäftigung. Rechtsfragen jenseits der Normalarbeit, Wien: Verlag Österreich, S. 1–36.
Nachbagauer, A. (2016): Boosting sustainability from beyond: micro-politics and the role of regional headquarters. In: Brătianu, C.; Zbuchea, A., Pînzaru, F., Leon, R,-D., Vătămănescu, E.M. (Eds.): Strategica. Opportunities and risks in the contemporary business environment. Proceedings. Bucharest: Tritonic, S. 801–814.
Nachbagauer, A. (2016): Stimulating Sustainability in Multinational Companies: the Significance of Regional Headquarters. In: Management Dynamics in the Knowledge Economy 4 (2), 2016, 215–240.
Nachbagauer, A. (2016): Regionale Headquarter als Förderer von Nachhaltigkeit in multinationalen Unternehmen? In: Wirtschaft und Management 23 (Juni), S75–112.
Nachbagauer, A., Ortner, G. (Hrsg, 2015): Globale Projekte managen – Neue Wege für die weltweite Projektarbeit. Düsseldorf: Symposion Publishing 2015.
Nachbagauer, A. (2014): Voll involviert und total flexibel – Entgrenzte Arbeit in Projekten und Netzwerken, in: Weßels, D. (Hrsg.): Zukunft der Wissens- und Projektarbeit – Neue Organisationsformen in vernetzten Welten. Düsseldorf: Symposion Publishing, S. 37–64.
Nachbagauer, A.; Schirl, I. (Hrsg., 2013): Human Resource Management in Projektorientierten Unternehmen, Wien: Linde.