Mag. Dr. Nikolaus Kowall


Nikolaus Kowall completed his doctorate on the subject of competitiveness in foreign trade with the support of the Düsseldorf-based Institute for Macroeconomics and Business Cycle Research at the Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration. He then headed the office of the Research Institute for Social Development in Düsseldorf, which is funded by the state of North Rhine-Westphalia. Most recently, he was a deputy professor of international economics at the Berlin University of Applied Sciences. Since 2019, Nikolaus Kowall has held an endowed professorship for International Macroeconomics at the BFI School of Economics, Management and Finance in Vienna. His research focuses on the effects of free trade, location competition and globalisation on political polarisation in western industrialised countries and the European Union's socio-economic capacity to act in this context.

Contact Nikolaus Kowall:


Kowall, Nikolaus: Europa nach dem Krieg: Liberale Weltwirtschaftsordnung oder autonome EU? In: derStandard, 12. April 2022

Kowall, Nikolaus (2022): Internationale Konvergenz der Pro-Kopf-Einkommen während der jüngeren Globalisierung 1990–2019. In: Momentum Quarterly, Vol.11, No. 1 (2022), p. 56–76

Kowall, Nikolaus (2021): Wettbewerbsfähigkeit in der globalen Ökonomie. In: WISO/44. Jg. (2021), Nr. 4

Kowall, Nikolaus (2021): Der politökonomische Bedeutungsverlust Europas und des Westens während der Globalisierung. In: Schriftenreihe „Wirtschaft und Management“ der FH des BFI Wien (30), S. 93–112

Heimberger, Philipp/ Kowall, Nikolaus (2020): „Opinion corner: Why distorted pictures of Italy are poison for European policy debates“, Monthly Report No. 07-08/2020, wiiw Monthly Report, No. 7–8, Vienna, July/August 2020, pp. 9–11