Official electronic signature
The official signature serves to facilitate the recognition of the origin of a document of University of Applied Sciences BFI Vienna. University of Applied Sciences BFI Vienna GmbH uses the following figurative mark for its official electronically signed documents:

The documents officially signed by the University of Applied Sciences BFI Vienna have a signature block according to the following example:

The official signature can be checked in the following ways:
- On the homepage
- By sending a scan of the document to
- By sending the letter by post or handing it in personally: University of Applied Sciences BFI Vienna, Wohlmutstrasse 22, 1020 Vienna, Subject: Signature verification
Electronic seal
For all other electronically signed documents, the University of Applied Sciences BFI Vienna uses the following electronic seal

The documents signed electronically by the University of Applied Sciences BFI Vienna have a signature block according to the following example:

The electronic seal can be checked in the following ways:
- On the homepage
- By sending a scan of the document to
- By sending the letter by post or handing it in personally: University of Applied Sciences BFI Vienna, Wohlmutstrasse 22, 1020 Vienna, Subject: Signature verification