Prof. (FH) Priv.-Doz. Mag. Dr. Harun Pacic

Lecturer and head of department

After completing his degree and doctorate in law, Harun Pačić was initially a research assistant and then a university assistant at the Institute for Labour and Social Law at the University of Vienna under Prof. Dr. Robert Rebhahn. He subsequently worked as a research assistant at the Supreme Court under Prof. Dr Gerhard Kuras and as a constitutional law assistant at the Constitutional Court under Prof. Dr Michael Holoubek. He has also taught at several universities, including the Vienna University of Technology and Andrassy University in Budapest.

Since his habilitation in 2012, Harun Pačić has been teaching as a private lecturer at the University of Vienna. In the same year, he took over as head of the law department at the FH BFI Vienna, where he works as a lecturer and has been a professor (FH) since 2016. In both teaching and research, he deals with labour and social law, civil law, corporate law, European law, legal theory, legal philosophy and comparative law. Numerous publications reflect the breadth of his interdisciplinary field of research.

Harun Pačić received the UAS Research Award 2023 for outstanding research achievements in the field of "Interdisciplinary Legal Studies".
