
As a business university, the University of Applied Sciences BFI Vienna is committed to providing practical degree courses and carrying out applied research. This combination enables us to provide successful, forward-looking programmes that open up new perspectives for specialists and managers. Our 18 degree programmes and our constantly increasing range of postgraduate programmes cover a wide range of business topics. The university’s competence centres and networks promote interdisciplinary collaboration.

Providing body

Fachhochschule des BFI Wien Gesellschaft m.b.H., a non-profit organisation, is the providing body for the university’s degree programmes.
We were accredited as a university of applied sciences in April 2002.

The benefits of universities of applied sciences include:

  • Authorisation to award academic degrees
  • Student involvement in the Academic Council

Academic Council*

The Academic Council is responsible for implementing and organising teaching activities and exams. The council comprises Professor Andreas Breinbauer, who is the Head, as well as the degree programme directors, representatives of our lecturers and research staff, and student representatives. The council meets at least twice a year.

*See section 10 University of Applied Sciences Studies Act (2th edition, 2023)


You can find the statute documents here.

BFI Vienna

The sole shareholder of Fachhochschule des BFI Wien Ges.m.b.H. is Berufsförderungsinstitut (BFI) Vienna.

BFI Vienna takes a holistic approach to boosting qualifications:

  • This involves training and continuing education aimed specifically at promoting personal and professional development, including the transfer of knowledge into professional practice and nationally and internationally recognised certificates.
  • The range of courses offered is tailored to business requirements and future trends.

BFI Vienna’s quality management system has been certified in accordance with ISO 9001 since 1996. Click here to order the BFI Vienna course catalogue (German only).

UAS BFI Vienna Supervisory Board

Franz Josef Lackinger, Chair
Dora Jandl, Deputy Chair
Marcin Kotlowski
Thomas Kreiml
Thomas Rasch
Josef Trawöger

UAS BFI Vienna memberships

We are a member of the Austrian Association of Universities of Applied Sciences and the UN Global Compact. The university has been a supporter of the UN Global Compact Sustainability Initiative and its human rights, labour, environmental and anti-corruption principles since 2017.