Research at the University of Applied Sciences BFI Vienna
Research Prize 2023
The UAS BFI Vienna awarded the Research Prize for the first time this year to recognise outstanding research achievements by its researchers. The submissions were assessed by a high-calibre external jury according to the criteria "impact on the scientific community, teaching, society and cross-cutting issues".
This year's award winners were nominated:
- Prof. (FH) Mag. Dr Johannes Jäger
Title of the submission: "Critical political economy approaches to international sustainable development and green finance" - Prof. (FH) MMag. Andreas Nachbagauer
Title of the submission: "New ways to manage resilience in projects: Complexity, timing, and the unexpected from the perspective of social systems theory." - Prof. (FH) Priv.-Doz. Dr Harun Pacic
Title of the submission: "Interdisciplinary Legal Studies"
On 10 May 2023, the award winners were honoured with a festive ceremony. The laudatory speeches were held by ao. Univ.-Prof. Dr Martin Gruber-Risak, who is a member of the jury for the Research Award of the UAS BFI Vienna.
Research at the UAS BFI Vienna
Research achievements of the UAS BFI Vienna are drivers of innovation and also a prerequisite
- to participate confidently in the scientific discourse in the defined fields of research,
- to help shape social discourse and contribute to realisable solutions for the challenges of our time,
- for high-calibre, scientifically sound teaching.
Research at the UAS BFI Vienna is
- independent and committed to gaining scientific knowledge,
- practice-orientated by focussing on application-related research and development on behalf of or in cooperation with companies and institutions,
- innovative by developing new knowledge and solutions,
- interdisciplinary research across degree programmes and departments,
- internationally by actively working on internationally relevant topics and issues and participating in international research networks.
The continuity of research and thus the anchoring in the scientific community is ensured at the UAS BFI Vienna through the research fields, in the departments, the degree programmes and the competence teams.
As a university of applied sciences specialising in economics, research and development at our university of applied sciences is primarily focused on the following five defined fields of research:
- New Work - New Business
- Location competition and regions
- Financial market development and regulation
- Sustainable management and social transformation
- University didactics and management
In addition, each degree programme defines its own research fields and objectives, which are oriented towards the qualification profile and professional fields of the degree programme and which enable knowledge transfer into teaching and towards companies and institutions (see also: degree programme-specific R&D strategies).
Our UAS BFI Vienna sees itself as an active part of the regional, national and international research community, focussing regionally on Europe and emerging markets and promoting international research activities.
Research Strategy of the UAS BFI Vienna (2019)
Research Strategy UAS BFI Vienna 2019 Download icon(pdf 165.905 KB)
Open Access Policy E 2022 03 04 Download icon(pdf 47.943 KB)
Ombudsman Service for Good Scientific Practice
As a member of the Agentur für wissenschaftliche Integrität (Austrian Agency for Research Integrity, OeAWI;, we are committed to reporting cases of serious academic misconduct to the agency, and to further enhancing our academic quality controls. Additionally, in 2016 the University of Applied Sciences BFI Vienna set up the Ombudsman Service for Good Scientific Practice to provide a point of contact for reporting instances of academic misconduct by full-time teaching and research staff as well as students. The Ombudsman Service is part of the university’s R&D quality circle.
Practical Guide for Integrity and Ethics in Science (BMBWF 2020) (in German)
Praxisleitfaden für Integrität und Ethik in der Wissenschaft Stand 29 9 2020 Final Download icon(pdf 585.681 KB)