Bernhard Zeilinger


Bernhard Zeilinger is a lecturer in the degree programme "European Economy and Business Management" at the University of Applied Sciences BFI Vienna. He teaches subjects as Political Philosophy, Comparative Political Science, Policy Analyses, Governance in the European Multi-level System and Interest Groups Politics. In addition, Zeilinger has held teaching positions at the University of Vienna in the areas of "Statehood of the European Union", Political Systems of Austria and the EU in Comparison" and "Qualitative Methods of Empirical Social Research" since 2009.

Zeilinger studied political science at the University of Vienna and received his doctorate in 2011 with the research topic "Governing Wider Europe in an interdependent World. Explaining Modes of EU's External Policy in Migration Management. A Comparative Case Study with Ukraine, Belarus and the Russian Federation". He has been a Research Associate at the Institute for Advanced Studies (IHS) and the Institute for European Integration Studies of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, as well as, a visiting scholar at MGIMO in Moscow, the Belarusian State University in Minsk and the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Kyiv.

Zeilinger researches and publishes on the following topics: Transformation of Statehood and Democracy in the Course of European Integration; Governance in the European Multi-level System; Economic Governance in the Framework of the European Economic and Monetary Union; European Labour Market and Social Policy, EU Internal Market, EU Foreign Trade Policy and Interest Groups Politics.


Recent Publications

Zeilinger, Bernhard (2021): The Role of the European Commission as a Policy Entrepreneur under the European Semester. Journal Politics and Governance. Vo. 9/Issue 3; pp. 63-73. [Open Access:]

Zeilinger, Bernhard (2021): Die Wirkmächtigkeit des Europäischen Semesters und ihre Auswirkung auf die Interessensvertretung durch Arbeitnehmer:innenverbände. Working Paper Reihe "Materialien aus Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft". Nr. 231. November 2021. Kammer für Arbeiter und Angestellte für Wien. [Open Access: https://emedien.arbeiterkammer...]

Wöhl, Stefanie/ Elisabeth, Springler/ Martin, Pachel/ Bernhard, Zeilinger (eds.) (2019): The State of the European Union. Fault Lines in European Integration. Berlin: Springer; pp. 3-21.

Zeilinger, Bernhard and Christian, Reiner (2019): Trajectories of reforming European welfare state policies under the post-2008 socio-economic governance regime. In: eds. Stefanie, Wöhl/ Elisabeth, Springler/ Martin, Pachel/ Bernhard, Zeilinger (2019): The State of the European Union. Fault Lines in European Integration. Berlin: Springer; pp. 215-256.

Wöhl, Stefanie / Martin, Pachel/ Bernhard, Zeilinger (eds.) (2018): Fragmentierte Hegemonie. Die Europäische Union in der Krise. In: Wirtschaft und Management, Band 26, FH des BFI Wien; April 2018.

Zeilinger, Bernhard (2016): Post-Doha Reorganisation of Global trade at the expense of the Global South. Journal of Development Studies. Vo.: XXXII/ Issue 3, December 2016; pp. 16-46.

Kruse, Imke; Trauner, Florian; Zeilinger, Bernhard (2013): Values versus Security in the External Dimension of EU Migration Policy: A Case Study on the EC Readmission Agreement with Russia; In: Noutcheva, Gergana; Pomorska, Karolina; Bosse, Giselle (eds.): Values vs. Security? The Choice for the EU and Its Neighbours. Palgrave.

Zeilinger, Bernhard (2011): EU´s External Policy towards Eastern Europe on Migration Issues. In: Bachmann, Klaus; Stadtmüller, Elzbieta (eds.): Shifting Borders in the European Union. Routledge.