Studying without a secondary school leaving certificate

The world of work has been changing considerably over the past few decades. Having decided on a particular career is thus not a one-way street anymore, and there are many new career opportunities if you are seeking one: more and more people benefit from this development when they seek new career opportunities. In order to support you on your career path, UAS BFI Vienna offers you the possibility to study for a bachelor degree without a secondary school leaving certificate. We would now like to explain to you how you can start your studies without a school leaving certificate.

Studying without a secondary school leaving certificate

Studying at UAS BFI Vienna without a school leaving certificate? This is how it’s done: If you want to apply for one of our bachelor programmes, you only need to provide proof of your programme-relevant professional qualification, and depending on the degree programme, pass supplementary exams in mathematics, English, or German.

Proof of your programme-relevant professional qualification

  • School leaving certificate of an at least three-year school for intermediate vocational education (e.g. an Austrian Handelsschule)
  • Completing an at least three-year apprenticeship which is oriented towards the career options of the degree programme envisaged
  • German entrance qualification for universities of applied sciences with a focus on business and economics (i.e. Deutsche Fachhochschulreife)
  • Swiss National Vocational Qualification with a commercial focus (NVQ)

Supplementary exams

If you pass supplementary exams at UAS BFI Vienna, you obtain the admission requirement for a specific degree programme at our university. Whether this is then also recognised by another university, remains to be clarified with the specific institution. You can find out which additional exams are required on the respective degree programme sites of our Bachelor's degree programmes. As a part of your application, we will inform you by e-mail which additional examinations you need to take and when they will be held.

The exams are held online, and consist of both written and oral parts. You pass them in addition to the entrance test and they must be passed before you start your studies.

Preparation courses

Preparatory courses for maths, English and German can be completed at our cooperation partner fit4fh/konsequent lernen. In this case, you take the additional examinations directly at fit4fh/konsequent lernen and send us the corresponding certificate.

Exam dates

The UAS of BFI Vienna offers annual examination dates in June, when the additional examinations can be taken free of charge. A missed exam can be taken the following year, a failed exam can be repeated in August.

Three steps to studying at UAS BFI Vienna

  • Apply online for your desired degree programme.
  • You will be informed by e-mail whether you fulfil the admission requirements (proof of your relevant professional qualification) and which additional examinations you need to take.
  • Complete the entrance test and the additional examinations for your desired degree programme. You will then be informed by email about a confirmed place or a place on the waiting list.

Details on the admission procedure can be found here.

The Berufsreifeprüfung and the Studienberechtigungsprüfung are alternative ways to qualify for a Bachelor's degree programme at our UAS. Both examinations can be taken at external education providers and not at the UAS of the BFI Vienna.

We are looking forward to receiving your application, and would like to wish best of luck for all your exams!

Still questions?

Our admission officer will be glad to answer them

Janja Sitter

Tel.: +43 1 720 12 86 349

Eva Michlits

Tel.: +43 1 720 12 86 339



Frequently asked questions