Researchers at the UAS BFI Vienna
Stefanie Woehl
Stefanie Wöhl is Professor of Politics and the EU Jean Monnet Chair “Diversity and Social Cohesion in the European Union” in the degree program “European Economy and Business Management” at the University of Applied Sciences BFI Vienna (2019–2022).
She obtained her doctoral degree from the Philipps University Marburg, Germany, in 2006, working in the research group “European Integration in the process of Globalization”. She held an Assistant Professor position at the University of Vienna from 2006 to 2010, was a Research Fellow in the Einstein Research Group on Crisis headed by Prof. Nancy Fraser at the John F. Kennedy Institute at the Free University Berlin (2011–2013) and was Visiting Professor at the University of Vienna (2013) and the University of Kassel, Germany (2015). She joined the University of Economics, Management, and Finance UAS BFI Vienna in 2015 as Head of the ‘City of Vienna Competence Team in European and International Studies’. She was awarded the Elisabeth-Selbert-Prize by the Federal Ministry of Hesse, Germany in 2002 and the Käthe-Leichter Exceptional Prize 2023 by the City of Vienna and the Chamber of Labour Austria.
Blog with scientific activities, articles, conferences, public lectures, etc.:
Current Projects
FICSC-EUCSDDD: Fostering international civil society cooperation: the EU CSDDD as a new entry point for just transition, project funded by the Climate and Energy Fund Austria (2024-2027)
Leistbares Wohnen als Voraussetzung für smartes und nachhaltiges Wirtschaften in der Stadt Wien, funded by the City of Vienna MA 23 (2022 - 2025).
Former Projects at UAS
AK Vienna funded Project (2020 – 2021): "The Future of Care in the Age of Digitalization"
City of Vienna Competence Team European and International Studies
(2015 – 2018) funded by the City of Vienna MA 23
Selected media reports (only available in German)
11 May 2021 Contribution on Austrian radio broadcast (ORF) on structural inequalities
07 May 2021 Press release on violence against women
08 May 2020 "Kulturzeit" on 3SAT and ORF "Kulturmontag": The Corona Crisis and Private Households
08 April 2020 Podcast "The care sector in the Covid-19 crisis".
More information here: https://www.diskurs-wissenscha...
Recent selected publications
- Sieben, Agnes/ Jäger, Johannes/ Wöhl, Stefanie/ Springler, Elisabeth/ Glanz, Pascal (2024): Globale Herausforderungen für Leistbares Wohnen. Regulationsmöglichkeiten vor dem Hintergrund lokaler Wohn- und Bodenregime, Working Paper Series by the University of Applied Sciences BFI Vienna, WP 118 / 2024
- Springler, Elisabeth & Wöhl, Stefanie (2023): Wohnungspolitik als Wohlfahrtspolitik. Working Paper Series by the University of Applied Sciences BFI Vienna, WP 115 / 2023
- Scheele, Alexandra & Wöhl, Stefanie (eds.) 2023: Feminismus und Marxismus, Weinheim: Beltz, 2nd edition
- Wöhl, S. & Hunklinger, M. (2022): Gender, Diversity and Social Cohesion in Europe. Editorial of the Special Issue, in: Momentum Quarterly - Journal for Societal Progress, pp. 77 -78. https://www.momentum-quarterly...
- Wöhl, S. & Lichtenberger, H. (2021): The Covid-19-Pandemic and Economic Crises: a multiple burden for women in private households, Momentum Quarterly, 10(2), pp. 119 – 129
- Wöhl, S. (2021): Covid-19. Eine intersektionale Betrachtung, in: Büro für Frauengesundheit und Gesundheitsziele (Hg.): Frauengesundheit und Corona. Sammelband des Wiener Programms für Frauengesundheit der Schriftenreihe Frauen*Gesundheit*Wien, Nr. 1, S. 115-120
- Wöhl, S. et al. (eds.) 2020: The State of the European Union. Fault Lines in European Integration, Wiesbaden: VS Springer https://www.springerprofession...
- Springler, E. & S. Wöhl (2020): The Financialization of the Housing Market in Austria and Ireland, in: Wöhl, S. et al. (eds.) 2020. The State of the European Union. Fault Lines in European Integration, Wiesbaden: VS, pp.155–173
- Wöhl, S. (2018): Multiple Inequalities in Gender Relations: Engaging the State in the International Political Economy, in: Elias, Juanita/Roberts, Adrienne (eds.): The Edgar Elgar Handbook on Gender in International Political Economy, Cheltenham: Edgar Elgar Press, pp. 171–183
- Dobusch, Leonhard/Lehner, Lukas/Mager, Astrid/ Wöhl, Stefanie (eds.) 2012- ongoing. Momentum-Quarterly - Journal for Societal Progress. A social science, bi-lingual and peer-reviewed Open Access Journal: ISSN: 2226-5538
- Wöhl, S. (2017): The Gender Dynamics of Financialisation and Austerity in the European Union – The Irish Case, in: Kantola, Johanna/Lombardo, Emanuela (eds.): Gender, Politics, and the Crisis in Europe. Politics, Institutions and Intersectionality, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 139–159
Blog and more information on scientific activities: