International Weeks
International Weeks
Are you interested in gaining international experience, meeting people from other countries, making new contacts and putting your foreign language skills to the test? Or maybe you want to find out what it’s like to work in diverse teams, solving problems together. If you think it’s a bit too soon for you to spend a semester or do an internship abroad, or you’re unable to spend several months in another country because of family or work commitments,
then an international week (IW) is the perfect choice.
Take the chance to meet people from different backgrounds and countries, and learn how to collaborate in a team using a variety of approaches to achieve results. You can pick up international learning experience even if it's not possible for you to spend a longer period abroad during your degree. This can forge friendships that last a lifetime, not to mention some attractive business contacts.
- Examine current issues in an academic setting: you will look at current subjects and questions, while at the same time becoming familiar with the university hosting the international week and student life there. Many international-week participants go on to spend a semester abroad at one of our partner universities.
- Business: participants gain an insight into business and economic life in the host country, for example through case studies or visits to local companies.
- Culture: every international week includes events that enable you to experience all aspects of the local culture, such as museum visits, dance lessons, events centred on local cuisine and much more besides.
- Networking and exchanging notes: besides acquiring a taste of the local lifestyle, working with a multicultural group of students also gives you a unique opportunity to find out more about a range of other cultures. Social activities such as teambuilding exercises and the compulsory International Dinner support this exchange of insights.
UAS BFI Vienna is a member of the following networks which organise international weeks:
HUMINT (Human Resources International) network

International Marketing Week network - IMN

Educating for Global Competence - Master Week network

International weeks at partner universities
International Bachelor Weeks - outgoing students

Annual International Master Week

Student Conference (HUMINT)

Redtenbacher, Claudia
International Coordinator for short term mobilities
+43 1 720 12 86-280
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