EU Projects

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Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education Teaching and Learning (AI-HED)

  • Role and duration: Project partner, 2024-2026
  • Funding: European Commission, Erasmus+ Cooperation Partnership
  • Content: Artificial Intelligence in teaching and learning
  • Degree programme: Interdisciplinary
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Analyzing and Simulating European Multi-Level Governance (ASEMG)

  • Rolle und Laufzeit: Projektkoordinator, 2024-2027
  • Fördergeber und Förderschiene: Europäische Kommission, Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Modul
  • Inhalt: Lehre im Bereich Europäische Integration
  • Studiengang: Europäische Wirtschaftspolitik, Europäische Wirtschaft und Unternehmensführung
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Urban Research and Education Knowledge Alliance for Sustainable, Human, Inclusive and Future proof Transition (U!REKA SHIFT)

  • Rolle und Laufzeit: Assoziierter Partner, 2024-2027
  • Fördergeber und Förderschiene: Europäische Kommission, Erasmus+ European Universities
  • Inhalt: Klimaneutralität und Smart Cities
  • Studiengang: Studiengangsübergreifend
  • Website: U!REKA European University
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Food4CE: Strengthening Innovation Capacities Among Central European Alternative Food Networks

  • Rolle und Laufzeit: Projektpartner, 2023-2026
  • Fördergeber und Förderschiene: EU/INTERREG
  • Inhalt: Nachhaltige Lebensmittelversorgungsketten in Mitteleuropa
  • Studiengang: Logistik- und Transportmanagement
  • Website: FH Bfi Wien Projektseite
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Triggering innovative approaches and entrepreneurial skills for employability in Central Asia (TRIGGER)

  • Role and duration: Project partner, 2021-2024
  • Funding: European Commission, Erasmus+ Capacity Building in Higher Education
  • Content: Entrepreneurship Education in Central Asia
  • Degree programme: Logistics and transport management
  • Website:
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The EU and the EEU: Between Conflict and Competition, Convergence and Cooperation (EUCON)

  • Role and duration: Project coordinator, 2020-2023
  • Funding: European Commission, Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Network
  • Content: Interdisciplinary teaching, research and events Competence Center for Black Sea Region Studies
  • Website:
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Researching the city: mapping imaginaries (IMAGE)

  • Role and duration: Project partner, 2020-2022
  • Funding: European Commission, Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership
  • Content: Interdisciplinary cooperation on development of urban spaces
  • Degree programmes: Project Management and IT; Interactive Media and Games Business
  • Website:
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Diversity and Social Cohesion in the European Union (DISCEU)

  • Role and duration: Project coordinator, 2019-2022
  • Funding: European Commission, Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Chair
  • Content: Teaching and research, Jean Monnet Chair (FH) Stefanie Wöhl
  • Degree programme: European Economy and Business Management
  • Website:
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Reforming Master Programmes in Finance in Armenia and Moldova (REFINE)

  • Role and duration: Project coordinator, 2017-2020
  • Funding: European Commission, Erasmus+ Capacity Building in Higher Education
  • Content: Reform of master programmes in Finance in Armenia and Moldova
  • Degree programme: International Banking and Finance
  • Website:
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Promoting Excellence in Teaching and Learning at Azerbaijani Universities (PETRA)

  • Role and duration: Project partner, 2016-2020
  • Funding: European Commission, Erasmus+ Capacity Building in Higher Education
  • Content: Reform of teaching at higher education institutions in Azerbaijan
  • Website:
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Memory and Securitization in the European Union and Neighbourhood (NEMESIS)

  • Role and duration: Project partner, 2015-2018
  • Funding: European Commission, Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Network
  • Content: Interdisciplinary teaching, research and scientific events Competence Center for Black Sea Region Studies
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Creating an International Semester for Master Programmes in Quantitative Finance (INTQUANT)

  • Role and duration: Project coordinator, 2014-2017
  • Funding: European Commission, Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership
  • Content: Internationalisation of curricula in quantitative finance
  • Degree programme: Quantitative Asset and Risk Management
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Market Basket Virtual Student Collaboration Model (MAB 2.0)

  • Role and duration: Project partner, 2014-2017
  • Funding: European Commission, Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership
  • Content: Integration of virtual mobility in teaching
  • Degree programme: Project Management and IT
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Europe in Crisis: Challenges and Scenarios for Cohesion (EU-CSC)

  • Role and duration: Project coordinator, 2014-2015
  • Funding: European Commission, Erasmus+ Jean Monnet Project
  • Content: International conference and publication on „Europe in Crisis“
  • Degree programme: European Economy and Business Management
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Strengthening Higher Education in the Sphere of Finance in Siberia and Far East of Russia (EduSFE)

  • Role and duration: Project partner, 2013-2016
  • Funding: European Commission, Tempus
  • Content: Reform of master programmes in finance at higher education institutions in Russia
  • Degree programme: International Banking and Finance
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Political and Economic Impacts of the Financial Crisis on European Integration - Focus CEE Countries

  • Role and duration: Project coordinator, 2010-2013
  • Funding: European Commission, Jean Monnet Module
  • Content: Interdisciplinary lecture series (economics, political science)
  • Degree programme: European Economy and Business Management
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Central and South Eastern European Management

  • Role and duration: Project coordinator, 2007-2010
  • Funding: European Commission, Erasmus Intensive Programme
  • Content: Intensive study programme for students
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ARIMA – Master Programme Quantitative Asset and Risk Management

  • Role and duration: Project coordinator, 2006-2010
  • Funding: European Commission, Erasmus Curriculum Development Project
  • Content: Curriculum development for the master programme ARIMA
  • Degree programme: Quantitative Asset and Risk Management
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Johannes Wetzinger

Coordinator of EU projects

Tel.: +43/1/720 12 86-967

These projects have been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.