Digital HR management and applied labour law (German)
Modern HR management and expertise in labour law
Digitalisation is becoming increasingly important in the modern working world. Our innovative Master's degree programme is therefore precisely tailored to current trends in HR management. It combines in-depth knowledge of labour law, comprehensive change management skills and digital know-how to develop you into a holistic HR expert.
At the same time, the world of work is undergoing profound change: tasks and demands on employees as well as labour relations themselves are in a constant state of flux. Lifelong learning is increasingly becoming the norm, and previously rigid, hierarchical organisational structures are becoming increasingly flexible. Leadership is being redefined, while digitalisation is penetrating many areas of the company and accelerating the redesign of work processes, fields of activity and working environments.
Human Resources.Digitalisation, Change Management
HR management in companies has a special role to play in shaping these changes: on the one hand, experts are needed who can initiate and accompany the transformation and change and thus make a significant contribution to a company’s success. On the other hand, digitisation also creates various opportunities for HR management itself to optimise core processes, simplify them and make them more user-friendly. In addition, companies need experts who can deal with labour law issues, for example, on atypical and new forms of work as well as with data protection and social law in the context of changes in the world of work.
Focal areas & qualifications
The unique selling point of the graduates from the degree programme "Digital HR Management and Applied Labour Law" results from the combination of HR management competences with a special reference to digitalisation and change management as well as competences in applied labour law.
Online info sessions (in German)
Would you like to learn more about the Work Design and HR Management degree programme and have your individual questions answered? Then register now for our online info sessions! The degree programme team will inform you about application and admission, study contents and career opportunities. The online info sessions are held in German.
- Wed, 12.03.2025 , 5 - 6 pm
- Wed, 07.05.2025, 5 - 6 pm
You can spontaneously join our online info sessions without registering. Just click on the link below:

Bewerbung, Aufnahmetest und next steps im Digital HR-Management und angewandtes Arbeitsrecht
As a graduate you will be able to:
- derive strategies from current developments and changes in the world of work and implement these strategies in order to develop HR management in line with corporate objectives.
- develop and optimise HR core processes along the entire candidate/employee experience (recruiting, talent management, performance management, HR development, etc.) and implement measures to digitalise HR processes.
- create HR analytics projects, interpret results from data analysis and derive measures from them.
- plan, and direct a team, in the implementation of change and transformation processes and, as HR business partners and internal consultants, and accompany and advise managers and employees on change and transformation management issues.
- identify labour law issues arising from the digitalisation of HR systems and HR processes and - if necessary in cooperation with lawyers - develop measures for the legally compliant design of work models, employee relations, HR systems and HR processes in national and international contexts.
Typical career fields open to you after graduation:
- Heads of HR, and HR business partners
- HR generalists with a focus on labour law
- Heads of staff units/HR teams with tasks of in-house counselling on labour law issues
- HR experts such as: HR controllers, experts in HR reporting and HR Analytics
- (Digital) Change & Transformation managers
- HR digitisation experts
- HR change agents/ organisational development experts
- Consultants/trainers for digital teaching contents
- Self-employed or employed management consultants
You can find more information in the current brochure of the degree programme (German)
Have a closer look:
Brochure Digital HR Management and Applied Labour Law (only available in German)Downloads (only German)
Education Contract Master Download icon(pdf 142.456 KB)

Video Master Digital HR Management and Applied Labour Law (only available in German)
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ECTS and course information
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Course HR ConsultingECTS Credits 3.00 ECTS CreditsLanguage German LanguageCurriculum PT CurriculumSemester 4 SS Semester
Course International HR ManagementECTS Credits 3.00 ECTS CreditsLanguage English LanguageCurriculum PT CurriculumSemester 4 SS Semester
Course Judicial EnforcementECTS Credits 3.00 ECTS CreditsLanguage German LanguageCurriculum PT CurriculumSemester 4 SS Semester
Course MA-Seminar SupervisionECTS Credits 1.00 ECTS CreditsLanguage German LanguageCurriculum PT CurriculumSemester 4 SS Semester
Course Master ThesisECTS Credits 11.00 ECTS CreditsLanguage German LanguageCurriculum PT CurriculumSemester 4 SS Semester