Higher Education Teaching and Management
Higher Education Teaching and Management research focus
Teaching and learning research
This research field addresses issues related to the development of universities, with an emphasis on higher education teaching and teaching development, and higher education management.
With regard to teaching at higher education institutions, the research focusses on both teaching and learning, in particular new approaches such as learning analytics and educational data mining, which have gained added significance due to their importance for the digitalisation of teaching. Research on higher education management examines the importance of trends in national, European and international higher education policy trends for higher education management, as well as universities’ role as key players in regional and national innovation systems.
This research is intended to generate important inputs for the development of the higher education sector as a whole, and for UAS BFI Vienna in particular, and to highlight innovative, forward-looking and above all practicable approaches with a view to ensuring the requisite practical relevance of application-based research.
- University didactics: Prof.(FH) Mag.(FH) Roman ANLANGER, Prof.(FH) Dr. Andreas BREINBAUER, Prof.(FH) Dr. Kai ERENLI (especially gamification & learning in immersive environments), Mag. Dr. Dietmar PAIER, Prof.in(FH) Mag.a(FH) Ina Pircher, Dr. Roland SCHUSTER, Mag.(FH) Dr. Edgar WEISS
- University Research: Prof.(FH) Dr. Andreas BREINBAUER, Mag. Dr. Dietmar PAIER
- Gamification/Game-based Learning: Prof.(FH) Dr. Kai ERENLI
Foreign language didactics:
- Differentiated Pedagogy: Mag. Patrick Peyrat MAS
- E-Learning und Blended Learning: Prof.in(FH) Mag.a Tamara Blum, Mag.ª Lola Dorado Debeza, Mag.a Itziar Grau Mena
- Subject didactics and competence-oriented foreign language teaching for FHs: Prof.in(FH) Mag.a Tamara Blum, Mag.ª Lola Dorado Debeza, Mag.a Itziar Grau Mena, Mag. Patrick Peyrat MAS
- Curricula and Common European Framework of Reference for Languages [CEFR]: Prof.in(FH) Mag.a Tamara Blum, Mag.ª Lola Dorado Debeza, Mag.a Itziar Grau Mena, Mag. Patrick Peyrat MAS
- Russian textbooks for business communication: Theoretical foundations and practical implementation: Prof.in(FH) Mag.a Tamara Blum
- Spanish terminology: Mag.a Itziar Grau Mena
- Spanish Booklets for the Work Environment: Theoretical Basics and Practical Implementation: Mag.ª Lola Dorado Debeza
- Language certificates and internationalisation in teaching: Prof.in(FH) Mag.a Tamara Blum, Mag.ª Lola Dorado Debeza, Mag. Patrick Peyrat MAS
- Play technologies in foreign language teaching: Prof.in(FH) Mag.a Tamara Blum
- Diplomatic and Cultural Contacts Austria - Russia as Intercultural Dialogue: Prof.in(FH) Mag.a Tamara Blum
Brücker, Judith E.
Research Coordinator, Sustainability Officer
+43 1 720 12 86-957