Working Scientifically

  • basic questions of academic work and scientific theory approaches,
  • possible applications of qualitative and quantitative methods of empirical social research in the context of research planning,
  • qualitative social research: survey (qualitative interview formats, esp. expert interviews) and analysis (esp. content analysis, coding techniques),
  • quantitative social research: survey (sampling, questionnaire design), analysis and interpretation,
  • information research, acquisition and selection, quality assessment of scientific data,
  • formal requirements and framework conditions of academic work

Mode of delivery

face to face



Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools

  • Braunecker, C. (2016): How to do Empirie, how to do SPSS. Eine Gebrauchsanleitung, Stuttgart/Vienna: UTB GmbH; facultas
  • Flick, U. (2017): Qualitative Sozialforschung. Eine Einführung, 8th ed., Reinbek near Hamburg: Rowohlt
  • Mayring, P. (2015): Qualitative Inhaltsanalyse. Grundlagen und Techniken, Beltz Pädagogik, 12th ed., Weinheim: Beltz
  • Meuser, M./Nagel, U. (1991): ExpertInneninterviews - vielfach erprobt, wenig bedacht: ein Beitrag zur qualitativen Methodendiskussion, in: Garz, D. /Kraimer, K. (eds.): Qualitativ-empirische Sozialforschung. Konzepte, Methoden, Analysen, Opladen: Westdeutscher Verlag, 441-71
  • Strauss, A./Corbin, J. (2010): Grounded theory. Grundlagen qualitativer Sozialforschung, Weinheim: Beltz

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

lecture, group tasks, presentation, exercises, instructional videos, online quizzes and learning progress monitoring, online teaching with web conferencing.

Assessment methods and criteria

assessment of the quality of student assignments and participation


Degree programme

Projectmanagement & Organisation (Master)



ECTS Credits


Language of instruction




Academic year



1 WS



Learning outcome

After successfully completing this course, students will be able to

  • explain scientific theory approaches,
  • illustrate essential approaches of qualitative and quantitative methods in social science research,
  • select empirical research methods suitable for a research question,
  • utilize these in their own research design, and
  • apply the criteria to produce an academic paper.

Course code
