Open Access

There are a number of ways members of UAS BFI Vienna can make their publications open access.

You can download our Open Access Policy in the sidebar on the right.

Green Open Access

Green Open Access means self-archiving by the author of articles, which were published in conventional subscription based Journals.

All UAS members can use the UAS publication server FHpub for self-archiving of their own articles. Please check your publisher's self-archiving policy before you do so. If you have further questions please contact Connie Panzenböck.

Gold Open Access

Gold Open Access means the primary publication of scientific texts in Open Access journals or as Open Access e-books.


As part of the AT2OA project Elsevier, the University of Vienna and the members of the Austrian Academic Library Consortium (KEMÖ) have come to an open access pilot agreement. Corresponding Authors affiliated with participating members are able to publish free of charge in Elsevier hybrid OA journals and at a reduced cost in Elsevier gold OA journals.


Emerald and the Austrian Academic Library Consortium (KEMÖ) have agreed on a new licensing model. As a consortium member the UAS BFI Vienna not only has access to all Emerald journals but can publish Open Access in these without additional publication fees as well.

Springer Nature

Springer, the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) and the Austrian Academic Library Consortium (KEMÖ) have agreed on the licensing model Springer Compact. Springer Compact combines access to e-journal content on Springer Link with the opportunity to publish Open Access. Corresponding authors affiliated with the UAS BFI Vienna are able to publish Open Access in over 1.900 subscription-based Springer Journals without additional article processing charges.


Die Austrian Academic Library Consortium (KEMÖ) and the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) have reached an Open Access agreement with MDPI. This agreement also enables corresponding authors affiliated with the UAS BFI Vienna to publish open access article in MDPI's Open Access journals with a simplified workflow.


Because the library is a member of the Austrian Academic Library Consortium (KEMÖ), International Water Associacion (IWA) grants corresponding authors
affiliated with the UAS BFI Vienna benefits when publishing Open Access.

Contact Person

If you would like to make use of any of these possibilities or have general questions concerning Open Access, please contact Connie Panzenböck.

If you have questions regarding our publication fund contact research coordination.

Connie Panzenböck, BA

Useful Links


Wohlmutstrasse 22
Inner Courtyard
1020 Vienna
+43 1 720 12 86-880

Open Access Policy