European economic strategies: Masters for future leaders

The Master's programme offers a practical and future-oriented qualification that is specifically tailored to the requirements of internationally oriented companies. The programme prepares future managers to operate successfully in a global working environment and master complex challenges.

The programme focuses on imparting specialist knowledge and skills that are essential for management positions. These include:

  • Leadership and HR skills: students develop their ability to lead teams, motivate employees and implement strategic decisions.
  • Organisational know-how and change management: students learn how to actively shape change processes and successfully manage projects.
  • European economy: students understand national and international tax regulations, value-based corporate management and the political economy of Europe.

In addition, the degree programme provides expertise in the area of the global working environment, which offers graduates the necessary skills and knowledge for effective leadership in a globalised context.

Info sessions (in German)

Would you like to learn more about the European Economy and Business Management degree programme and have your individual questions answered? Then register now for our info sessions! The degree programme team will inform you about application and admission, study contents and career opportunities. The info sessions will be held in German.

  • Mon, 24.02.2025, 5:30 - 6:30 pm (Online)
  • Tue, 25.03.2025, 5:30 - 6:30 pm (Online)
  • Wed, 09.04.2025, 5 - 6 pm (Campus Wohlmutstraße)
  • Wed, 07.05.2025, 5:30 - 6:30 pm (Online)

>>Register now!

You can spontaneously join our online info sessions without registering. Just click on the link below:

>>Direct link for spontaneous participants

As a graduate you will be able to:

  • develop internationalisation strategies for businesses
  • initiate change processes (change management) and support the resulting projects
  • prepare a selection of suitable takeover targets and play a part in their subsequent integration into an organisation
  • devise concepts for international HR development
  • design value-based controlling tools to measure the performance of domestic and foreign subsidiaries
  • prepare annual financial statements in accordance with international accounting standards (IAS/IFRS)
  • make preparations for decisions on locations for foreign direct investment

Typical career fields open to you after graduation:

  • International marketing
  • Funding advisory services
  • Export and internationalisation consulting
  • International project management
  • Human resource management
  • Management consulting

You can find more information in the current brochure of the degree programme (in German)

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only available in German

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Elisabeth Springler interview


The programme at a glance


Master of Arts in Business, MA

Length of programme

3 semesters

Mode of study

Career parallel programme: during the week in the evening and Saturdays during the day

Place of Study

Campus Wohlmutstrasse
Wohlmutstrasse 22
1020 Vienna

Language of instruction




Tuition fee

€ 363.36 / semester (+ student union fee)

Specialisation possible

  • Political science or
  • Legal Studies or
  • Economics

Compulsory elective languages

  • French
  • Russian
  • Spanish

Opportunity to obtain an accredited language certificate

Semester abroad

We are currently compiling an overview of the partner universities. Until then, please contact your degree programme coordinator regarding a semester abroad at one of our partner universities.

The degree programme recommends completing a semester abroad in the 3rd semester.

Admission procedure

  • Online application
  • Online multiple choice test
  • Application video

Preparation for admission procedure

For preparation, we recommend our preparatory script. You can also find more information in our "Master Application and Admission Guide" under the info materials. No external courses are required.

Application period for EU/EEA-citizens

1 October until 15 May

Application period for non-EU/EEA-citizens

1 October until 30 April

Admission requirements

  • Secondary school leaving-certificate (High school Diploma) AND
  • Completion of a social studies/business/natural science/ law/ technical degree in Austria or equivalent degree abroad (The legalization list can be found here.)

For this degree programme you need German language skills at CEFR level C1 and English language skills at level C1 or 4 ECTS.

Evidence of prior learning in

  • Business administration (8 ECTS),
  • Accounting (8 ECTS),
  • Legal studies (6 ECTS),
  • English (4 ECTS – does not apply to native speakers of English).

Bridging courses

Take advantage of the free bridging courses offered by the UAS BFI Vienna (May to July) to acquire missing ECTS and qualify for admission to a master programme.

Level of qualification according to the National Qualification Framework and the European Qualifications Framework


Field(s) of study (e.g. ISCED-F)

0413 Management and Administration

Access to further studies

Graduates of UAS master programmes are entitled to enroll in relevant doctoral programmes (pursuant to § 6 para. 4 FHG, as amended) or university courses.

Marion Haberfellner


+43 1 720 12 86-937

ECTS and course information

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ECTS Credits
10 results
  • ECTS Credits 5.00 ECTS Credits
    Language German Language
    Curriculum PT Curriculum
    Semester 1 WS Semester
  • ECTS Credits 1.00 ECTS Credits
    Language English Language
    Curriculum PT Curriculum
    Semester 1 WS Semester
  • ECTS Credits 6.00 ECTS Credits
    Language English Language
    Curriculum PT Curriculum
    Semester 1 WS Semester
  • ECTS Credits 6.00 ECTS Credits
    Language German Language
    Curriculum PT Curriculum
    Semester 1 WS Semester
  • ECTS Credits 3.00 ECTS Credits
    Language German Language
    Curriculum PT Curriculum
    Semester 1 WS Semester
  • ECTS Credits 1.00 ECTS Credits
    Language German Language
    Curriculum PT Curriculum
    Semester 1 WS Semester
  • ECTS Credits 2.00 ECTS Credits
    Language German Language
    Curriculum PT Curriculum
    Semester 1 WS Semester
  • ECTS Credits 5.00 ECTS Credits
    Language German Language
    Curriculum PT Curriculum
    Semester 2 SS Semester
  • ECTS Credits 1.00 ECTS Credits
    Language English Language
    Curriculum PT Curriculum
    Semester 2 SS Semester
  • ECTS Credits 4.00 ECTS Credits
    Language German Language
    Curriculum PT Curriculum
    Semester 2 SS Semester

Legend: FT = Full Time, PT = Part Time, SS = Summer Semester, WS = Winter Semester

quote illustration

“I chose the University of Applied Sciences BFI Vienna because I’d already started a degree elsewhere. But studying alongside my job and the need to organise my own timetable at the university turned out to be extremely tough. The best solution, and one of UAS BFI Vienna’s strengths, was a part-time programme.

After completing my bachelor degree at the university, I didn’t doubt for a moment that I would do my master here as well. The most important factors for me were completing my degree in three semesters, the relaxed atmosphere and the strong focus on business practice.

Today, I can honestly say that thanks to the impetus from my degree at the university, I was ideally prepared to start out in the international world of work.”

Perpetual Jacqueline Gyankyi, MA, graduate