Literature search
Library Catalogues
In our online catalogue you will find our print media as well as a large part of our e-resource holdings.
More information on the extent to which our electronic stock is listed in the online catalog can be found here in Moodle.
* Archived items can be viewed in the library office during library-assistance hours at one working day’s notice. These items cannot be borrowed. (Inquires about bachelor theses should be directed to the relevant degree programme coordinator.)
Media Locations
The locations tab in the online catalogue tells you where each copy is located.
Books in the mobile shelves in the library show the location Bibliothek.
Media on WMS-, ENG- or MQM-locations are only available on demand (status "auf Anfrage). Please contact personnel directly!
Contact details can be found in the "WMS/ENG/MQM-Standorte/Locations"-list on the Media Locations page under library in Moodle.
- WMS = UAS-Staff at Wohlmutstrasse
- MQM = UAS-Staff at Media Quarter Marx
- ENG = UAS-Staff at Engerthstrasse
Tips for Finding Publications
Upcoming dates for our library instructions as well as presentation slides can be found under library in Moodle.