Certified quality management
Certified quality management
Austrian universities of applied sciences are required to have their quality management systems audited every seven years. The independent, external auditors assess the functionality and performance of the quality management system. The evaluation process also opens up excellent opportunities for organisational development.
UAS BFI Vienna completed the certification process in 2024. Lasting about 18 months, it involved staff from almost every area of the university as well as students and part-time lecturers. Certification was awarded by the accreditation agency Evaluationsagentur Baden-Württemberg (evalag) in September 2024. The audit provides the university with an important source of impetus to move forward in order to achieve continuous improvements.
Audit Urkunde 2017 Download icon(pdf 72.113 KB)
Auditbericht des Qualitätsmanagements an der FH des BFI Wien Download icon(pdf 2.344 MB)