Green mobility grant

If we are working on solutions to global problems, we cannot simply ignore the climate-damaging effects of mobility. At the same time, international networking and intercultural exchange are and will remain essential for developing the skills of students at universities. The challenge of reconciling the two has given rise to the idea of raising awareness and motivation for the use of climate-friendly means of transportation.

To this end, Erasmus+ promotes climate-conscious travel. Students who use environmentally friendly means of transport (train, bus, carpooling, car-sharing, cycling, walking) for more than 50% of the total distance of the journey to and from the destination receive an increased travel cost support. Erasmus+ students also have the opportunity to purchase an Interrail ticket, which allows them to travel through Europe for 4 or 6 days within 6 months. Further information can be found here

Preconditions and criteria:

To qualify for the green mobility grants, you must be nominated for a semester, internship, or short-term mobility (Blended Intensive Program/Blended Mobility) abroad.

In order to apply for the increased travel allowance, you must submit a signed declaration of honor to the Mobility Coordination Office in which you state that you will undertake to travel more than 50% of the journey to and from your destination by environmentally friendly means of transport. The form for the declaration of honor will be sent to you by the Mobility Coordination.


If you have further questions about the green mobility grants connected to an exchange semester or traineeship, please contact:

Claus Inanger

Erasmus+ Coordinator, Outgoing Student Mobility Coordinator, Agreements Coordinator, ECTS Coordinator

+43 1 720 12 86-222

For further questions regarding the green mobility grants connected to Blended Intensive Programmes, please contact:

Redtenbacher, Claudia

International coordination, staff mobility, international weeks

+43 1 720 12 86-280

Promoted by:

The internationalisation activities are funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.