Research Methods

general approaches to writing an academic article: requirements for the style and contents,; formal aspects and formatting of academic articles; research, quotation of references, developing awareness for the problem of plagiarism, presentation of results; general conspectus of references (monographs, periodicals, etc.); introduction to the online research in the internet for relevant topics from the field of the master programme.

Art der Vermittlung


Art der Veranstaltung


Empfohlene Fachliteratur

Lewis, P., Saunders, M., Thornhill, A.: Research Methods for Business Students, 5thed., Prentice Hall 2009, Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 7th ed., American Psychological Association 2020, Trochim, W.M.K., Donelly, J.P.: The Research Methods Knowledge Base, 2015, Haslehner F., Wala T: Bachelor- und Diplomarbeiten an der FH, LexisNexis 2014

Lern- und Lehrmethode

Mixture of presentation of relevant topics and regulations of the UAS BFI Vienna. Students learn to find literature and research topics.


Because this is a practical class special conditions for grading apply. At the end of this class, students have to work on a topic proposal for their master thesis and present it to their colleagues in class.

Voraussetzungen laut Lehrplan




Quantitative Asset and Risk Management (Master)

Akademischer Grad


ECTS Credits






Studienjahr, in dem die Lerneinheit angeboten wird


Semester in dem die Lehrveranstaltung angeboten wird

2 SS



Lernergebnisse der Lehrveranstaltung

The alumni are familiar with general approaches how to write an academic article and as a consequence can use this knowledge for the research seminar and for their master thesis. They are familiar with the rules of the UAS BFI Vienna in regards of style and content, formal aspects, quotation of references. They are able to develop awareness for the problem of plagiarism. They are able to differentiate between scientif and non-scientific references and are able to do an online literature research independently. Additionally alumni are capable to use the software "R" to analyze financial data

Kennzahl der Lehrveranstaltung
