Selected Publications
Edited Volumes:
Wöhl, Stefanie, Elisabeth Springler, Martin Pachel, Bernhard Zeilinger (eds.) 2020: The State of the European Union. Fault Lines in European Integration, Wiesbaden: VS Verlag/Springer
Journal Articles:
Wöhl, S. & Lichtenberger, H. (2021): Die Covid-19 Pandemie und Wirtschaftskrisen: Die Mehrfachbelastungen von Frauen in Privathaushalten, Momentum Quarterly 10(2), 119 -129. DOI:
Lichtenberger, H., & Wöhl, S. (2020): Strukturelle Sorglosigkeit: Die 24-Stunden-Betreuung in der Covid-19-Krise, Femina Politica – Zeitschrift für feministische Politikwissenschaft, 29(2), 133-134.
Huke, Nikolai & Wöhl, Stefanie (2018): ‘Feminisierung’ der Politik. Soziale Bewegungen gegen Austeritätspolitik in Spanien als Katalysator der politischen Partizipation von Frauen, Momentum Quarterly 7 (1): 1 – 52.
Wöhl, Stefanie (2016): Machtverschiebungen zur Exekutive. Demokratie in Zeiten multipler Krisen, Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte, APuZ 40-42(2016), 66. Jahrgang., S. 42 – 46.
Wöhl, S. (2016): Die “Krise” der repräsentativen Demokratie in Europa. Demokratietheoretische und Politikfeld bezogene Reflexionen, in: Schulheft. Pädagogische Taschenbuchreihe, Nr. 164, Wien: Studienverlag, (Wiederabdruck)
Wöhl, S. (2014): The State and Gender Relations in International Political Economy. A State-theoretical Approach to Varieties of Capitalism in crisis, Capital & Class, Special Issue “Critical Political Economy and Capitalist Diversity”, Volume 38, Issue 1, pp. 83 – 95.
Wöhl, S. (2013): Die „Krise“ repräsentativer Demokratie in Europa. Demokratietheoretische und Politikfeld bezogene Reflexionen, Forschungsjournal Soziale Bewegungen, 26. Jg., Jubiläumsausgabe “Demokratie”, Heft 1/2013, S. 64 – 75 [The „Crisis“ of representative Democracy in Europe. Democratic Theory and Policy Field related Reflections, Forschungsjournal Soziale Bewegungen, 25th Anniversary Issue on “Democracy”]
Wöhl, S. (2013): Feministische Perspektiven auf die Krisenhaftigkeit der Demokratie, Juridikum. Zeitschrift für Kritik, Recht, Gesellschaft, H. 1/2013, S. 66 – 75 [Feminist Perspectives on the Crisis of Democracy, Juridikum. Zeitschrift für Kritik, Recht, Gesellschaft]
Nadjivan, Silvia & Stefanie Wöhl (eds.) (2011): Women’s Political Participation and Representation in South Eastern Europe – Introduction. Der Donauraum, Vol. 51 (2), pp. 89 – 118. [Journal for the Danube Region from the Institute for the Danube Region and Central Europe]
Wöhl, S. (2011): Die politische Rationalität des Neoliberalismus – eine demokratietheoretische Betrachtung im Anschluss an Wendy Brown, Österreichische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft (ÖZP), 40. Jg. (April 2011), H. 1, S. 37 – 48. [The political Rationality of Neoliberalism – A theoretical View following Wendy Brown’s Reflections on Democracy, ÖZP]
Sauer, B. & Wöhl, S. (2011): Feminist Perspectives on The Internationalisation of the State, Antipode, Volume 43, Issue 1, pp. 108 – 128.
Wöhl, S. (2011): Gender Mainstreaming in European Employment Policies, Critical Policy Studies, Volume 5, No. 1, April 2011, pp. 32 – 46.
Wöhl, S. (2010): Die neoliberale Gouvernementalität des Sozialen: Die Offene Methode der Koordinierung in der Europäischen Beschäftigungspolitik, Femina Politica, Jg. 19, Nr. 2/2010, S. 50 – 60. [The Neoliberal Governmentality of the Social: The Open Method of Coordination in the European Employment Strategy, Femina Politica]
Wöhl, S. (2021): Covid-19. Eine intersektionale Betrachtung, in: Büro für Frauengesundheit und Gesundheitsziele (Hg.): Frauengesundheit und Corona. Sammelband des Wiener Programms für Frauengesundheit der Schriftenreihe Frauen*Gesundheit*Wien, Nr. 1, S. 115-120.
Springler, E. & Wöhl, S. (2020): The Financialization of the Housing Market in Austria and Ireland, in: Wöhl, S. et al (eds.): The State of the European Union. Fault Lines in European Integration, Wiesbaden: Springer, pp. 155 – 173.
Wöhl, S. (2020): Die Bedeutung einer starken öffentlichen Daseinsvorsorge für Geschlechtergerechtigkeit, in: Brauner, R./Müller, B. (Hg.): Wege zur Wohlfahrtstadt. Wirtschafts- und sozialpolitische Überlegungen für eine moderne Kommunalpolitik, Wiener Neustadt: urban future edition, S. 222-233
Lichtenberger, H. & S. Wöhl (2020): Care-Work und unbezahlte
Mehrarbeit von Frauen in der Covid-19 Krise, in: Schmidinger, T./
Weidenholzer, J. (Hg.): Virenregime. Wie die Coronakrise unsere Welt
verändert. Befunde, Analysen, Anregungen, Wien: bahoe books, S. 455-463
Wöhl, S. (2018): Multiple dimensions of gender inequality : Engaging ‘the state’ in International Political Economy, in: Elias, Juanita/Roberts, Adrienne (eds.): The Handbook on the International Political Economy of Gender, Cheltenham: Edgar Elgar Press, pp. 171 – 183.
Wöhl, S. (2018): Die Transformation von Staatlichkeit und Geschlechterverhältnissen im finanzialisierten Kapitalismus, in: Scheele, Alexandra/Wöhl, Stefanie (Hg.): Feminismus und Marxismus, Weinheim: Beltz, S. 232 – 244.
Wöhl, S. (2017): The Gender Dynamics of Financialisation and Austerity in the European Union – The Irish Case, in: Kantola, Johanna/ Lombardo, Emmanuela (eds.): Gender, Politics, and the Crisis in Europe, Basingstoke: PalgraveMacmillan, pp. 139-159*
Wöhl, S. (2017): Demokratie vs. multiple Krisen – eine hegemonietheoretische perspektive auf die Europäische Union, in: Hetzel, Andreas (Hg.): Das Staatsverständnis von Chantal Mouffe und Ernesto Laclau, Baden-Baden: Nomos, S. 231-248.
Wöhl, S. (2016): Implementing Austerity, Disciplining the Household. Masculine Norms of Competitiveness and the Crisis of Social Reproduction in the Eurozone, in: True, Jacqui/Hozic, Aida (eds.): Scandalous Economics. Gender and the Politics of Financial Crises, Oxford: Oxford University Press*, pp. 92 – 108 (with Ian Bruff)
Wöhl, S. (2016): Gendering Governmentality and European Integration Theory, in: Abels, Gabriele/McRae, Heather (eds.): Gendering European Integration Theory, Opladen: Barbara Budrich Press, S. 237 – 255*
Wöhl, S. (2016): Nancy Fraser, in: Rüdiger Voigt (Hrsg.): Staatsdenken. Zum Stand der Staatstheorie heute, Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlag, pp. 375 – 378. [Nancy Fraser, in: Voigt, Rüdiger (ed.) Reflecting the State. State-of-the-Art of State Theory, Baden-Baden: Nomos]
Lux, Julia/Wöhl, Stefanie (2015): Gender Inequalities in the Crisis of Capitalism: Spain and France Compared, In: Bruff, Ian/Ebenau, Matthias/May, Christian (eds.): New Directions in Comparative Capitalisms Research: Critical and Global Perspectives, London; New York: Palgrave Macmillan,
Link to Institutions
Webportal of the European Union
Policy areas of the European Union
EU legislative procedure
EU law and other public EU documents
EU publications
Bulletin of the EU
EU Economic Governance
Train your Knowledge about the EU (fee-based!)
VoteWatch Europe
Links to Social Policy related institutions:
Federal Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection
EURYDICE Information on Education Systems and Policies in Europe
Austrian social partner
Initiative elderly employees
Federation of Austrian Social Insurance Institutions
Public Employment Service Austria
OECD – Social and welfare issues
European Commission – Employment. Social Affairs and Inclusion
Link to Journals
Austrian Journal of Political Science
Momentum quarterly
Adelphi Series – IISS. The Adelphi Series are published by the International Institute for Strategic Studies, providing rigorous analysis of contemporary strategic and defence topics.
American Journal of Political Science
Asia Europe Journal. Quarterly journal dedicated to publishing quality academic papers and policy discussions on common challenges facing Asia and Europe that help to shape narratives on the common futures – including both risks and opportunities – of Asia and Europe.
Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte
Blätter für deutsche und internationale Politik
Central and Eastern European Online Library. Provides access to full text PDF articles from almost 1000 humanities and social science journals and re-digitized documents dealing with Central, Eastern and South-Eastern European topics.
Central European Journal of International and Security Studies (CEJISS). Is a Prague-based, peer-reviewed journal focusing on five main issues: international, European and regional security; political theory related to international or European relations/security; international and European political economy; international, European and regional organizations; area studies related to international or European relations/security.
Common Market Law Review. This pre-eminent journal brings you detailed, in-depth examination of the most pressing and far-reaching issues on European Union Law.
Comparative European Politics. The focus is on comparative politics and the political economy of contemporary Europe within and beyond the European Union, the processes of European integration and enlargement. Also examines the place of Europe and European states within international/global political and economic dynamics.
Cooperation and Conflict. Published for over 40 years, Cooperation and Conflict is a journal that aims to promote research on and understanding of international relations.
European Research Paper Archive
European University Institute (EUI) Library collection
East European Politics. Journal which publishes articles in the government, politics and international relations of the post-communist space. In geographical terms, EEP covers the entire post-communist region, including East Central and South Eastern Europe, Russia and all the other countries of the former Soviet Union.
EUISS Chaillot Papers. Written by external experts or permanent staff of the EU Institute for Security Studies, these papers cover subjects of current relevance to the Union’s security. Like the EUISS they are independently authored and do not represent the official view of the EU institutions.
Europe Asia Studies. Journal focusing on the history and current political, social and economic affairs of the countries of the former ‘communist bloc’ of the Soviet Union, Eastern Europe and Asia. At the same time, the journal explores the economic, political and social transformation of these countries and the changing character of their relationships with the rest of Europe and Asia.
European Constitutional Law Review
Its scope is European law and constitutional law, history and theory, comparative law and jurisprudence.
European Foreign Affairs Review. Focusses on the political, legal and economic aspects of the EU’s external relations in order to discuss its global role.
European Journal of International Law. Quarterly journal exploring the conceptual and theoretical dimensions of international law. It also pays attention to the relationship between international law and the law of the European Union and its Member States.
European Journal of Politics and Gender. This newly created journal by the European Consortium for Politics and Gender of the ECPR covers a range of equality issues in the EU https://bristoluniversitypress...
European Journal of Political Research. Peer-review journal focusing heavily on theoretical and comparative approaches to the discipline of political science.
European Law Journal. The European Law Journal represents an authoritative new approach to the study of European Law, developed specifically to express and develop the study and understanding of European law in its social, cultural, political and economic context.
European Research Paper Archive. Links to a range of online series of research papers focusing on European integration.
European Review of International Studies (ERIS)
European Security. The journal seeks to publish critical analyses of policies and developments in European institutions and member states, their relations with European and other immediate neighbours, and their relations with the wider world, including other regional and international organisations.
European Union Politics. Covers all aspects of the process of government, politics and policy in the EU.
European Foreign Affairs Review
European Journal of International Relations
European Political Science Review
European Journal of Political Research
Europe’s World. Published three times a year and features authors drawn from over 150 think tanks across Europe. Covers the whole range of issues related to the EU´s internal and external policies.
Foreign Policy
Government and Opposition
International Affairs. Founded by and edited by Chatham House in London, this journal is renowned for its insight into European policy debates as well as its coverage of global policy issues more generally.
International Feminist Journal of Politics:
Journal of Common Market Studies (JCMS). Respected journal, published by Blackwell, focussing on all dimensions of the European integration process.
Journal of Contemporary European Research (UACES).
Journal of Contemporary European Studies. The Journal provides a forum for interdisciplinary debate about the theory and practice of area studies as well as for empirical studies of European societies, politics and cultures.
Journal of European Public Policy.
Journal of Southern Europe and the Balkans. Journal which seeks to address the complex historical, economic, political, diplomatic, cultural and security issues that confront this region, in the light of such important developments as the process of European integration, the evolution of NATO, and the more general changes in the international governance system after the end of the Cold War in Eurasia.
Journal of European Public Policy
Journal of Law, Economics, & Organization https://jleo.oxfordjournals.or... of European Integration
Journal for Comparative and European Policy
Mediterranean Politics. The journal focuses on the politics, international relations and political economy of the entire Mediterranean area.
PINPoints Magazine
Is the bi-annual online publication of the Clingendaal Institute on International Relations with articles on the latest developments and insights in international negotiation research.
Party Politics
Politische Vierteljahresschrift (PVS)
Political Science & Politics
Politics & Society
Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society. This journal covers international gender+sexuality issues
Third World Quarterly
West European Politics. It embraces all the major political and social developments in all West European countries.
Journal for International Relations (ZIB)
Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen
Journal of Comparative Political Science