Spanish 5
Brief description
Exemplary for B1 Spanish:
Communicative focus:
Current issues in the economy and politics of Spanish-speaking countries; job search (profiles of candidates, job advertisements, CV and cover letter, interview).
Language focus:
Adjectives to describe people; past perfect; indefinido and imperfect; past perfect/indefinido/imperfect; tense markers; verbal periphrases; present subjunctive in relative clauses.
Mode of delivery
face to face
Recommended or required reading and other learning resources/tools
Exemplary for B1 Spanish:
- Martín Peris, E. and N. Sans Baulenas (2014), Gente hoy 2 (Units 3 and 5), Kurs- und Übungsbuch, Difusión Verlag.
- Dorado Debeza, M.D., Márquez Sánchez, C.D., Ramos Gómez, E., Uclés Sánchez, F.J. (2020), Gente hoy 2 complemento de español profesional (Unit 1), Difusión Verlag.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Individual work, group work; blended learning (Open Educational Resources in Moodle, online exercises, online quizzes, etc.); creation of videos.
Assessment methods and criteria
Participation & performance 20%, oral part 30% (oral production and interaction 20 points, listening comprehension 10 points), written part 50% (reading comprehension 25 points, written production and interaction 25 points).
Prerequisites and co-requisites
Successful completion of semester 4
Degree programme
European Economy and Business Management (English)
ECTS Credits
Language of instruction
Academic year
5 WS
Learning outcome
Exemplary for B1 Spanish:
After successful completion of the course, students can...
- write a tabular CV and a letter of application for a job application,
- send a video CV and conduct a job interview.
- briefly introduce themselves in a text (job/family/hobbies) and describe an event and say what, when, where it took place.
- In addition, intercultural competence is useful when applying for a job. Therefore, students can…
- apply for a job position and perform a/an (on-line) job interview following the necessary etiquette,
- analyse the job market of the Spanish speaking countries,
Course code