International Banking Business
- Central banks’ policy (ECB, Fed, BoE, SNB, BoJ, …)
- Actors in the international financial markets (IMF, BIS, OECD, …)
- Interest rate parity
- Foreign exchange risk
- Hedging FX risk
- Funding source and liquidity risk
- Bank´s reserve
- Cost of bank funds
- Short term secured funding
- Repo and Liquidity
- Net interest income
- Risk adjusted performance measures
- Managing the bank book
Art der Vermittlung
Art der Veranstaltung
Empfohlene Fachliteratur
Farahvash, P. (2020): Asset-Liability and Liquidity Management, Wiley
Hempel, G. (2008): Bank Management: Text and Cases, Wiley
Course handouts
Lern- und Lehrmethode
Expats from Austrian international banks teach this practical course with online-lecture elements, Flipped Classroom teaching; Self-study elements with textbook and online videos; Students work on their home assignments in peer groups. Peers have to present their solutions. classroom-debates on presented solutions; Peer feedback and assessment;
Continuous assessment (100%): Home assignments in groups, Presentation of Individual assignments in class and quizzes will be evaluated.
Voraussetzungen laut Lehrplan
ALM, Risk Management and International Banking Regulation, Bank Controlling, Strategy, Organization, Change and Innovation
International Banking and Finance (Master)
Akademischer Grad
ECTS Credits
Studienjahr, in dem die Lerneinheit angeboten wird
Semester in dem die Lehrveranstaltung angeboten wird
2 SS
Lernergebnisse der Lehrveranstaltung
After the successful completion of this practical course students can
- illustrate different roles of the IMF, the BIS and the OECD
- analyse the reasons why and how central banks intervene in the foreign exchange market and in their domestic money market
- calculate both sides of the theoretical swap points from a two-way spot and the bid and offered interest rates
- calculate a FX cross-rate swap
- calculate the profit or loss on a spot, forward FX and FX swap position
- calculate the fair value of plain vanilla and zero-coupon bonds from yield-to-maturity
- calculate the expected change in portfolio value for a given change in yield out of a given modified duration
- calculate a zero-coupon yield from a series of yields-to-maturity using the “bootstrapping” method and calculate a par yield from zero-coupon yields
- evaluate the price of an IRS
- calculate the price of an option with Black-Scholes model
- decompose Caps and Floors
- calculate the exact cost of borrowing or return on lending that is hedged with an FRA
- calculate VAR of portfolios
- calculate liquidity risk measures
- hedge FX, interest rate and liquidity risk of a given portfolio
- evaluate the impact of trading activities on balance sheet, P/L- and CF statement
- calculate and interpret risk adjusted performance measures
- choose trading activities according to given management goals
Kennzahl der Lehrveranstaltung